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After your solution concept and prototypes are ready, share your ideas with the users. Give user the
walkthrough experience using ideal user experience journey. Feedback and comments from the user are
taken with open misnd and is being reviewed to come to a common understanding about which idea works
and which does not work for the user and why? Finally refinement of the solution ideas is done.
- Ensure prototype solution matches the need of targeted users.
- Generate ideas that you may not have thought of. and weed out misfit ideas
- Identify blind-spots in our ideas.
- To fail early and cheaply.
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Methods and Tools
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Storytelling is the most powerful way to put your ideas into the world today. Storytelling is basically giving
voice to your persona’s story which you have developed in the experiment phase (ideal user experience
Storytelling can be done using:
- Storyboard: visual illustration of your idea
- Prototypes: developing and testing ideas at early stage before large scale implementation.
- Role Play: to act out the experience to give better understanding of your idea.
You have your persona, Ideal User Experience Jouryney and prototypes. Now make your solution concept
more visual by storyboarding
Storyboarding is a visual illustration of your idea for the easy and effective communication with the users.
Storyboard will include your persona, need statement, solution illustrations, and impact or end result of
the solution concept.
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- To graphically describe user’s activities, your design idea and communicate the idea more effectively to the users.
- To create story narratives
Storyboarding your Persona’s Story
Brainstorm how you intend to illustrate your persona’s story in a coherent manner including the narratives
into the storyboard canvas [Annexture] and then start drawing.
Templates for Storyboarding
* Story Board CANVAS
- Review your persona, the ideal user experience journey and the prototype you have created.
- Brainstorm how you intend to illustrate your persona's story in a coherent manner including the narratives.
- Use the storyboard template/canvas provided and strat drawing.
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* Story Boarding CANVAS
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Retrieved from: Design Thinking
Co-creation involves engaging the target users early in the development process of your solution ideas
in order to enhance and refine the ideas. By eliciting user’s feedback and suggestions, you can better
understand user needs and desires, and refine and improve solution ideas.
- Early feedback on proposed ideas and solutions;
- To better user-generation ideas and contents;
- Idea improvements;
- New creative possibilities;
- Better user acceptance and buy-in;
- Early user communication
Co-Creation with target users can be done using:
- Storyboard
- Role play
- Prototype
Steps involved in Co-creation session is show in the diagram below:
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